Hello! I'm Jenny.
I am a wife, a mother, a musician, a homeschool mom, and a fitness instructor.
I maybe just a little bit crazy too.
I'm often described as nice, patient, sweet, shy, and cute by people who don't know me well.
Those who know me describe me as crazy, stubborn, determined, A.D.H.D., and hard-working.
I've been accused of being on crack by my fitness students.
I have been called a beast by my personal trainer.
I am competitive.
I have been accused of being a perfectionist, but I deny all accusations.
When I do a job, I like to do it well.
I have been pregnant 5 times. I have given birth 4 times. I have 3 living children.
I am horrible at telling people "no".
I haven't slept through the night in 7 years.
I am an all or nothing type person.
I am not stupid...
I am not smart either.
I am not beautiful...
I am not ugly either.
I'm pretty much an average girl...
But I'm not really an average girl at all.
I am one of the hardest working people you will
ever meet...
I am also very lazy.
I am great at organizing people...
But I'm not an organized person at all.
I can be a bit complicated. Can you tell?
I met my husband at school. I was told, "If you don't marry that poor boy, no one will".
That's not why I married him though.
He chased me until I just couldn't run any more.
On May 13th, 2014 we will be married for 8 years.
My children are the reason I get out of bed in the morning.
If I didn't my bathroom would be flooded, there would be chicken poop in my shoes, monster trucks in the fridge, lip gloss on the windows, and my living room would look like a tornado hit.
As a person I have been broken and I have been mended. I have conquered and I have failed. I have fallen and I have I gotten back up.
As a wife and mother I have laughed and I have
cried. I have loved and I have been loved. I have
taught and I have been the student. I have talked and I have listened. I have had a clean house and I have had a dirty house. I have had beautiful pillows on my couch and I have had those same beautiful pillows on the floor smeered in peanut butter. I have had organized closets and I have had shoes that never made it into the closet. I have had full course meals and I have had pbj's for supper. I have had good days and I have had bad days. I have made good choices and I have made bad choices.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
As a fitness instructor I have taught advanced exercises to extremely fit people and I have taught seniors who walk into class with canes and walkers. I have taught larger people who could kick butt and I have taught athletic looking people who couldn't handle 5 pound dumbbells. I have taught older people who I could not slow down and younger people who I could not motivate. I have been good at what I do and I have not been good at what I do, but...
I love what I do!
There are some things I know, some things I think I know but do not, and a lot of things I don't know at all.
One thing I do know...
Without my God, I am nothing.
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